Friday 21 November 2008


Magazine package
(Top ten hair styles and products)


Anirban & Kameron


Anirban, Rebecca and Kameron


3-4 minutess


Mini DV


I will aim my audience at ages 18-25 this is because this is the age range in which we can relate to. Also the subjects we have chosen suits this age range because there the main people that buy the things were looking at.


We are creating a magazine package. The main thing we have chosen to talk about is reviews. These will include things like music, films and books. We will be creating a 30 min live broadcast.

group diary

Week one – 10th November to 15th November

Monday: Discussed roles and subject of show. Not decided on roles yet but got rough idea of format of show.

Friday: research task set for description on the different roles required. Then done a discussion with john on the roles. Rough idea on who will do what in the group. Homework set for Thursday 20th November.

Week two – 17th November to 21st November

Monday: set roles for filming. Started making notes on times and different topics for the show. Started researching different topics and came up with different idea. Started and completed treatments for individual topics.

Tuesday: done more research on own topics started call sheets and scripting. Had group meeting with john to pitch our ideas. Found running time difficult to set because had too many minutes.

Thursday: had group discussion with Dan about the assignment as a whole. Had a group chat about what people are doing and how the programme will run.

Friday: starting on assignment brief and doing more research